Access to Tradition

Access to Tradition is a course we devised for students looking to develop their skills beyond the study of the Arabic Language. What’s unique about this one year programme is that students get to survey the Islamic sciences allowing them to make a more informed decision about more in-depth study, as well as simultaneously improving their Arabic reading and writing skills.
One lesson a week
3hr Lessons
30 Week course

Distance Learning

All of our classes are live online sessions. This allows optimal engagement with all our online students.

30 Week Intensive

You will cover our entire syllabus in only 30 weeks. We have devised a syllabus that is thorough yet efficient for optimal benefit.

Tried & Tested

We have put years of teaching experience together to produce a programme that includes the study of classical texts in the Arabic Language.

Supplementary Tutorials

All online students will have access to our Tutorial library, which includes detailed Grammar and Comprehension tutorials.

Introduction to Islamic Law
الروضة السنية في فقه الحنفية

Key Topics
This module was designed to be a gentle introduction to Islamic law using a brief work where students can apply their Arabic skills as well familiarise themselves with the key terminologies used in Islamic law.
The text we will be covering is called ar-rawdat us sinniyyah fi fiqh al hanafiya – a concise work written in simple language to introduce you to the basic points law related to the five pillars of Islam, as well pertinent points relating to our dress and what we eat and drink. The book is a perfect steppingstone into the world of Islamic jurisprudence and will allow students to apply their Arabic skills to read, translate and understand the text correctly. It was written by the great faqih, grammarian and muhaddith abul hasan ali ibn balban al farisi. Born in 7th century Damascus, he was nurtured and taught by the luminaries of his time. He is more famously known for his work by the name of Al-ishan fi taqrib sahih ibn hibban. He passed away in 739 AH in Egypt
The key topics covered in the book will be:
  • Taharah
  • Salah
  • Sawm
  • Hajj
  • Eating and Drinking
  • Clothing
Those who successfully complete the module will have achieved:

  • An understanding of the main points of law in the Hanafi madhab relating to acts of worship
  • Familiarity with key terminology used in the books of law, especially the Hanafi madhab
  • A better grasp of reading texts written by classical Islamic scholars• Confidence in being able to progress to texts such as Nur ul idah alongside its commentary Maraqi – al Falah
  • An appreciation of Fiqh in general

Principles of Islamic Law
اصول الشاشي

Key Topics
This course is designed to survey the science of Islamic Jurisprudence (Usul Fiqh), with a particular focus on the Hanafi school.

In this course we shall be exploring the classical Hanafi methodology used in formulating interpretive methods by means of which the legal effects of the Quran and Sunnah have been determined.
We shall be anchoring the course based on the famous Usul Shaashi which has been designed to not only familiarise students with the science of Usul Fiqh, but to also provide a sound foundational footing to delve into further studies of classical Hanafi Usul.
  • Development of Hanafi Usul
  • Specific & General Types of Expression
  • Literal and Metaphorical Word Usage
  • Word Clarity
  • Word Usage in Context
  • Textual Indicators
  • Commands and Prohibitions
By the end of the module students should:

  • Become familiar with the development of Usul Fiqh as a science (with a particular focus on the Hanafi school)
  • Understand the wider relationship of Usul Fiqh with other sciences (including the science of Fiqh in particular)
  • Developer a deeper understanding of how different Types of Expression found in the Quran & Sunnah are used to formulate legal rulings   
  • Gain proficiency in using Usul Fiqh terminology   
  • Have the tools necessary to access advanced Hanafi Usul Fiqh Texts

Introduction to Islamic Theology
ام البراهين

Key Topics
This module serves to introduce our students to the core theological discussions in our tradition. Students complete the study of a classical text on theology as well a detailed introduction to the history of theology and heresiography. 
Umm al-Barahin or the Sanusiyya has been studied and taught in traditional centres of learning for over 400 years.  Its author Shaykh Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Sanusi is considered one of the greatest theologians of his era and author and authored many textbooks in the science of Islamic theology.  Umm al-Barahin may be considered one of his most important works, and has received hundreds of commentaries by leading theologians.  This work contains concise discussions on all the major areas of theology including an introduction to the methods of reasoning.
Introduction to Islamic Theology

  • Introduction to the methods of reasoning
  • The attributes of Allah Most High
  • The attributes of Allah Most High’s messengers
  • The testification of faith Heresiology 

– All discussions consist of both textual and rational proofs. 
Those who successfully complete the module will have achieved:

  • An understanding of the main points of law in the Hanafi madhab relating to acts of worship
  • Familiarity with key terminology used in the books of law, especially the Hanafi madhab
  • A better grasp of reading texts written by classical Islamic scholars• Confidence in being able to progress to texts such as Nur ul idah alongside its commentary Maraqi – al Falah
  • An appreciation of Fiqh in general

Ayyuhal Walad
ايها الولد

Key Topics
This module is specifically tailored for students that are coming to a crossroads in their studies. Typically our Access to Tradition students have to make a decision towards the end of their year with us - to either continue on to our advanced Studies in Tradition programme (Alimiyyah), or to pause and take stock of the knowledge they have gained. We have specifically chosen texts that remind students of their primary duty to serve God and to better themselves.
A concise classical text authored by the great theologian and religious philosopher Imam al-Ghazali. Upon request from a former disciple, the imam offers counsel to his student on the pitfalls of this worldly life and touches on a number of key topics including material wealth, status, love of the dunya, etiquette, and the importance of seeking spiritual knowledge.
25 pieces of advice from a teacher to his former disciple which are covered over 8 lessons.
It is expected that students will be better informed to make a decision about their long term path for studying sacred knowledge

Introduction to Hadith Methodology
شرح منظومة البيقونية

Key Topics
This module is designed to provide an introductory overview of the science of Hadith Methodology (Usul al-Hadith). In this course we shall be exploring the period in which this science developed and compilation and recording of Hadith. We will also discuss the authority of Hadith as a source of Islamic Law and understand the terminologies and terms used within this science such as Sahih, Hasan, Da’if, Mawdu’, Mutawatir with their definitions and application. We will also discuss the famous hadith collections, the figures and compilers behind these works such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Malik and Imam Ahmad amongst others and the unique features of their respective compilations. We will also study chain of narrations, the different types of chains connection back to the Messenger SAW, the categories of hadith based on the number of narrators, continuous connection and levels of acceptance.
We shall be anchoring the course based on a commentary of the famous poem, al-Mandhumah al-Bayquniyyah, authored by Shaykh Abdullah Siraj ad-Din al-Husayni which has been designed to not only familiarise students with the science of Usul al-Hadith, but to also provide a sound foundational level of understanding into this science should they wish to delve further in this science.
  • Become familiar with the development of Usul al-Hadith as a science
  • Understand the wider relationship of Usul al-Hadith with other sciences and its authority as a source of Islamic Law
  • Developer an understanding on the chain of narration, its features and how this impacts on the level of acceptance of a Hadith
  • Gain comfort in using the terminologies used within the science of Hadith
  • Have the tools necessary to delve further into the science of Hadith and apply to broader studies

Course Details

Start Date: Sunday 6th Oct 2024
Class Time: 3pm (GMT)

Choose your plan

One-Off Payment

  • Live Classes
  • Complete course materials
  • Dedicated Support 7-days a week
  • Class Recordings
  • 6 Month Access to all Sacred Texts Weekly Supplementary Classes
  • FREE 12 Months Access to the “Arabic Journey” Programme for Early Birds
  • Fully Featured Mobile App

Monthly 1

£270 up-front (non-refundable)
then 10 payments of £48
  • Live Classes
  • Complete course materials
  • Dedicated Support 7-days a week
  • Class Recordings
  • 6 Month Access to all Sacred Texts Weekly Supplementary Classes
  • FREE 12 Months Access to the “Arabic Journey” Programme for Early Birds
  • Fully Featured Mobile App

Monthly 2

£450 up-front (non-refundable)
then 10 payments of £30
  • Live Classes
  • Complete course materials
  • Dedicated Support 7-days a week
  • Class Recordings
  • 6 Month Access to all Sacred Texts Weekly Supplementary Classes
  • FREE 12 Months Access to the “Arabic Journey” Programme for Early Birds
  • Fully Featured Mobile App